Wednesday, March 28, 2007

More Helium

I'm really getting into this Helium thing. I'm going to start posting everything I post there here. But hey, I'm still going to link to them because people should read and rate. As well as write on there. Hey, try to top my score, it could be a fun game of cat and also cat.

Without further ado:

It would be great to just go ahead and declare "the Devil made me do it" everytime you did something bad. It would be amazing if you really could provide evidence that the Devil made you do anything. The ultimate scapegoat for natural human behavior is clearly Lord Satan Lucifer Morningstar of Hell. But does he exist, and if so is he influencing the evils of the world? For that answer you would have to first define evil as a universal agent. Then you have to ask yourself, why is one being representing all the evil and would that mean God represents all good? Then why does He let evil happen in the first place? Existential mumbo-jumbo aside, it would be illogical to presume one being influences the flow of evil in the cosmos.

Especially if that one being is the Devil. There are multiple evil figureheads in multiple religions. Not just a Devil running a Hell and corrupting souls for all eternity. Would that mean the Devil is just a part of a grand scheme of multiple evil figured heads posed against a grand scheme of multiple good figureheads? Or is the answer much more simple? Do all these evil beings, the corrupters of man, just represent the evil men do and act as that ultimate scapegoat? Is it a universal guilt that the human race makes up an evil figurehead to represent their own evil deeds? A collective consequence for doing what is seen as evil makes sense. There are taboos in every culture, even in the animal kingdom. Things you should not do, each with a consequence to make sure they are not done. It's simple logic that an offensive act will more than likely be repeated without the presence of consequence. This offensive act can be seen as evil, and the performer would be evil. The performer would have to make a conscious decision to perform the act, and base that decision on the existence of a consequence.

Is there a chance the performer could be persuaded into performing said act by an external source? Of course, people manipulate people all the time. People. Not a figurehead for evil. Not the devil. The devil as an excuse only works so long before logic is applied. The devil as the character he is known as today is a composite of many different stories and characters from cultures all over the world. He is the fallen angel, the hoofed and horned master of hell, this big red monster. But that's all from years of interpretation over the years. The image and character are manipulated by man, the moral of the story of the devil remains the same though; And that's the point. The devil exists as the ultimate villain in the grand story of the human race. He represents the evil we can achieve as people and the consequence in case we ever do. He is an excuse. That's the point of Satan. "Do not do this or bad things happen." Is there a wingless angel, cast down by God, constantly plotting against the human race, sitting deep under the earth in a lava pit called Hell? More than likely not. But just in case he is down there, let's not do anything evil. The devil is basically the first smoke detector. Chances are your smoke detector will never go off in your life, at least not for anything serious, but just in case it's good to have around. That's Satan for you.

Of course, the Devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he never existed after all.

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