Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I have gas

Actually, I don't. Because it's $2.45 and rising right now. Again. It never got below $2 around my area. I'm pissed. Not just pissed but super pissed. I demand the gas go down in price. Seriously, that's total bullshit. I'm sick and tired of the Oil game. Prices go up and down varying on whatever the hell is going on politically. When did the price of gas become the Stock Market?

I remember when I got my license and gas was only $1.50 some and I thought it going up to $1.70 was an outrageous jump. In fact, I recall completely how the sudden jump past the $2 mark hit me. I was out of the country, in the fucking rainforest of all places, and when I came back the first thing I find out is there is assrape going on in the Iraq war by ugly female soldiers on prisoners. This was suddenly deemed irrelevant because gas was now $2.00 and I couldn't believe it. I couldn't care less about the war or whatever the fuck is going on over there because at the end of the day, it really has no effect on me or the American people regardless of what anyone tells you. Except for the oil companies. They charge for oil based on what goes on over there. That's the sole effect the War has on me. It's not even on me, it's on my car. My poor defenseless and hungry car. What did she ever do to anyone? She got me from point A to point B and back again whenever I needed it, and never once quit on me. Then the Gas War began and she got sick and died twice, but Car Jesus saved her. You bastards. You oil company bastards. No one ever thinks about the poor cars.

But in all seriousness, oil sucks. What sucks the most is it's so fucking necessary to the economy and our way of life. Petroluem gets the money flowing. A lot. There would be a fundamental collapse of the American economy if there was a sudden shift to alternative fuel sources. That's the thing no one ever thinks about when talking about hydrogen power. We are honestly not ready for it or any other power source right now. Oil controls the market and the cost of replacing it is mind bogglingly high.

Am I the only one who's noticed that people never understand that? "We have hydrogen and ethanol right now, but the evi oil companies keep it down for money" That is not true at all. Well, ok, there is a part that's true. The Oil Companies are huge and are more than just oil, these companies are essentially vast empires that keep an American economy running and those in charge most definately want to stay on top, but there's also the problem of economic collapse from hydrogen and ethanol. It will take years to properly introduce Hydrogen or Ethanol into society as a maintainable resource. You not only have to take into account the cost of replacing everything using petrol as fuel, but the time that would take, the level of comittment it would take by consumers and how it effects the economy. It's not really the oil companies keeping hyrodgen or ethanol or anything else from making it, it's you the consumer.

You cannot support a fuel system that has no need to replenish. That cuts a significant ammount of cash out of the economy right there. There needs to be a replenshing cycle to fuel systems. I hear about the car that runs on water all the time. I hear people ranting about it, a lot. They talk about how Big Oil keep it from being mass produced all the time. What they never, ever, consider is how a car you can refuel from a hose takes money out of their own pocket instead of saving it.

I am all for an alternative fuel system. Oil is too unreliable in this day and age. The politics surrounding it are really pissing me off. But I know there cannot be a perpetually renewing system without some sort of price to it. Make a car that can run on water, but make it run on special water that can only be attained at a pump. Otherwise the entire culture of American society has to change to accomodate the new economic system. And I really doubt that will happen. When it comes down to it, the American people are not ready, not mature enough, for anything beyond Oil and the Oil Companies right now. When the American people grow up and stop ranting about conspiracies, regardless of the truth to them, and really realize how their society works, then and only then will the paradigm shift happen and cheaper fuel will become plentiful.

What really needs to be done is the invention of a fuel that can operate in a petrol based engine without the complete overhaul of the engine. Ethanol that doesn't fuck up a regular car would be nice. Or someone explaining that Ethanol will fuck up your engine without any alteration to it before you fill your car. That'd be nice.

Oil, the necessary evil.

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