Friday, February 9, 2007

So I should probably do my assignment
This is a blog I stumbled upon while searching for a blog to blog about. It's a filter about comic books. I like comics. Hell, I love comics. They take up more of my time then they should. Reading them, talking about them, and posting on the internet about them. So when I randomly stumbled upon this blog I was intrigued.

What I like about it, other than the guy having roughly the same opinion as I do about the industry and the product, is the linking to more comic blogs. The more blogs I discovered through this one the better. It lead me to the next two blogs in my bloggingonblogs attempt.

But let's get down to it.

Type: Notebook. It's a personal blog, only longer and more defined than just random postings.

Genre: Personal. It's all about his personal opinion.

Purpose: I'd say assuming the purpose is to talk about comics is pretty accurate. He's knowledgable about his subject and proves it. He also definately has an opinion he wants to express over what the writers of the books he reads are doing with the characters he loves.

What I like best is his "so you wanna blog about comics, eh?" post. Describing his style and definition of his blog.

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